
  1. Connectedness of the space of spherical design (with Yukio Inui and Akihiro Munemasa), preprint.
  2. Nomura algebra of nonsymmetric Hadamard models (with Akihiro Munemasa), Des. Codes Cryptogr, in press.
  3. Spin models constructed from Hadamard matrices (with Akihiro Munemasa), J. Applied Mathematics and Computing 40 (2012) 231-248. PDF
  4. Pseudocyclic association schemes and strongly regular graphs, European J. Combin., 31 (2010), 1513-1519 (with Akihiro Munemasa) arXiv
  5. A new example of non-amorphous association schemes, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 3, no. 2 (2008), 31--36
    (with Akihiro Munemasa).
  6. General form of non-symmetric spin models, J. Algebraic Combinatorics, 12 (2000), 59-72 (with Kazumasa Nomura). Abstract/Article
  7. Spin models corresponding to non-symmetric association schemes of class 2,
    Memoirs Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Ser. A, 47, No.2, (1993) 383-390. PDF
  8. On pseudo-automorphisms and fusions of an association scheme, Europ. J. Combin., 12 (1991), 317-325
    (with Tatsuro Ito and Akihiro Munemasa).


  1. Spin models on association schemes of small classes, preprint.


  1. A new non-amorphous association sceheme on $\text{GF}(2^{20})$, 第7回 代数学と計算 (AC2007) (首都大学東京) (PDF)
  2. An infinite class of non-symmetric spin models, Potts models, and Hadamard Matrices,
    Proceedings of an International Conference in Honar of Eiichi Bannai's 60th Birthday (2006) 326-334.
  3. General form of non-symmetric spin models,
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra, in press.
  4. Spin models constructed from the Hamming association scheme H(d,q),
    Proceedings of the 10th Algebraic Combinatorial Symposium at Gifu University, (1992) 91-106,
    (with Eiichi Bannai, Etsuko Bannai and Kenichi Kawagoe).


  1. あるスピンモデルに付随した association schemes について, 第19回有限群論草津セミナー (2007) 58-63.
  2. Four mutually unbaised basis constructed from cyclic spin models on 4 vertices.
  3. A.V.Ivanov の条件を満たす association schemes の分類,
    第14回有限群論草津セミナー (2003) 72-77.
  4. On association schemes with A.V.Ivanov's condition,
    第19回代数的組合せ論研究集会 (熊本大学) (2003) 207-216.
  5. Some special cases of non-amorphous association schemes with A.V.Ivanov's condition,
    京都大学数理解析学研究所 講究録 974, 群論と組合せ論 (2002) 137-148.
  6. 震災医療の医療情報, 医療情報学, 15, No.2, 123-128.
  7. インターネットを利用した学内 Medline 文献検索システム,
    平成6年度国立大学附属病院医療情報部門連絡会議シンポジウム論文集, 57-58.